Create a Custom RHEL Package Repository for Offline Installation of Packages with `yum`
Create Your Own Repository and Tell yum to Use IT In case you need to install some packages on an offline RHEL Linux machine and you want to avoid having to manually resolve all the dependencies, you could follow these instructions: install the same linux version on a similar machineContinue Reading
Installation of a Matrix Environment using Docker
General Information This guide helps to install Synapse Matrix Server, Riot Web UI, coturn Turn Server, Dimension integration server, jitsi conferencing system and the matrix user/room admin tool. It assumes there is an apache web-server serving requests from the outside world. None of the components or the information is originallyContinue Reading
Unraid – A Short Beginners` Cheat-Sheet
Installing App-Store found in unraid forums, the app-store allows users to easily install scripts or docker images on the server. to install, go to Plugins > Install Plugin and use the following URL: Need a VPN Client? then you can install open-vpn client by going to Plugins > Install PluginContinue Reading
Create Your Own CA using OpenSSL
in order to sign internal certificates with an internal CA, one can use this instruction set, which is based on this thread in stack-overflow: create CA key and certificate and files which are related to CA: create a CA Configuration File with following contents: now you can sign any CSRContinue Reading
Create DKIM Key Pair with PuTTYGen
tl;dr: The main reason this how-to is written is the way PuTTYGen saves the keys! they need to be stored as openssh keys and not as as ssh keys, which is the default mode when using the save private|public key buttons. so if you already know this is something youContinue Reading
Install msodbc or Any Other MSI Package on Windows Docker Machines Using chocolatey
Note this article assumes you have a problem with installing msodbc.msi, but the same principles MIGHT apply to any other package which is available in chocolatey. based on this link from Microsoft (please MS, ffs stop changing and invalidating your links!) a simple msiexec /quiet /passive /qn /i msodbcsql.msi IACCEPTMSODBCSQLLICENSETERMS=YES ADDLOCAL=ALLContinue Reading
Install Interactive Programs on Windows Dockers
there are 2 Microsoft docker images which provide server functionalities to users: microsoft/windowsservercore and microsoft/nanoserver. usually, users can install all services and they can fulfill your needs. but if you are trying to install something on a windows docker which has interactive services or uses features which are only allowedContinue Reading
Add Alternative/Secondary Subject Name to a CSR
create a configuration file based on your needs. you can use the following sample: now you can use the following openssl command to create a CSR based on this configurationContinue Reading
add JAVA to docker machines
use the following commands to add the java repository to linux taken from add following lines to /etc/apt/sources.list.d/webupd8team-java.list run apt-get update run apt-get install oracle-java8-installer That’s it! enjoy 🙂Continue Reading